Save it as a snapshot, XML, text, or print it out. Speccy has four options to save the information. For instance, if you click on the Storage, what you will see is the name of the manufacturer, number of cylinders, SATA type, LBA size, Power On Count and Power On Time, storage capacity, firmware version, S.M.A.R.T status, temperature, and a lot more. To see the detailed information of a component, click on its name on the sidebar. From there, you will find out which Windows version that your computer is using, the name of the CPU and its current temperature, the RAM type and its memory capacity, the model of the motherboard and graphic card, the storage capacity of your hard drive, and a bit information about audio and optical drive if it exists. The first information that Speccy presents to you after the completed scan is a summary. On the right side, it is where the information of each component is displayed. On the left side, each component is listed along with its own icon. In a few seconds, Speccy will let you know all of the data it has gathered.

Once you launch Speccy, it scans your entire system to collect information.